Western Union
In partnership with Nigerian Scammers

Business & Finance

Western Union is suppose to record the ID information before someone picks up the money from the location. However these western union locations are in bed with these nigerian scammers and take a cut no wonder they never record the ID information of the person who picks up the money.

Instead to cover their they hide behind saying its privacy matters so we cannot disclose any information. Western Union makes it so easy for scammers to get money transferred for illegal activities and when you contact the company they don't give a because they have already got their share of the monies and don't want to stop making extra bucks even if it means working with terrorists to ruin people fallen to nigerian scams. These nigerians should be painfully tortured until they seek mercy and find none. No legal help is provided, no agency helps.

Furthermore the nigerian commission never picks up the phone in Nigeria and have false email displayed on their website. Why would Nigerian government stop these scammers when they are getting big cut out of it?

FBI and every agency tells you to report to them but that is Nigerian government - the kings of thieves. So, if you have fallen to nigerian scammers, there is no help and if you do know how to get help, please be sure to leave the message.

Company: Western Union
Address: P.O. Box 4430
Phone: 18003256000, 18003254045
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