Deowla Kennels
"Pedigree" Yorkshire Terrier puppy from Deowla Ke


We were looking good for a Yorkshire terrier, we found a professional website advertising Deowla Kennels owned by Sharon Laweson. The sight sported beautiful pedigree yorkies as the parents. When we collected the dog, our son walked past the garage door and saw the disgusting conditions the dogs were being kept in. They were kept in crates in the dark garage following in their own filth. Unfortunately, he only relayed this info on our drive home. We got her home and discovered that she was riddled with fleas and was so infested with every kind of worm imaginable, which severely impacted on her health as the practices were suckling out the much-needed nutrition. This was only the beginning of her health issues. From day one we have battled to get the dog to eat and have literally tried everything to get her to eat. As she began to grow she looks less and less like her pedigree parents. A few months later she started to show signs of a skin rash which was originally diagnosed as allergies. She progressively became more ill. It turns out that she has dermodectic mange which is a genetic from of mange inherited from the mother. After spending thousands of rand on treatment her health is poo

Company: Deowla Kennels
Country: South Africa
City: Cape Town - Paarl
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