Suarez International
Discriminatory and hateful against homosexuals

Shops, Products, Services

Anyone who visits Suarez's Internationals forums (Warrior Talk) will find numerous anti gay/anti homosexual content speaking against them and their rights as human beings, and have heard the owner Gaberial Suarez going so far as to call homosexuals "sexual deviants the equivelent to pedxxxxles" and "abominations against god" in open public earlier this year.

As a site company that allegedly believes in "the god given right for any man to protect themslves" and teaches self defense to that end, I find it insulting they would discriminatie against anyone based on their beleifs or preferences.

Anyone else who feels the same should feel free to contact the company and express your displease at their business conduct and open discrimination against homosexuals.

Company: Suarez International
Country: USA
Address: 1616 Iron Springs Road
Phone: 9287764492
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